25 research outputs found

    Felicidad y globalizaci贸n: un estudio en perspectiva global sobre el emprendimiento

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    The study is based on the conjecture that augmented happiness enhances the growth of entrepreneurship and happy nations have tendency to produce greater number of entrepreneurs. Apart from Happiness, this study also measures the effect of globalization on entrepreneurship. For this very purpose, happiness and globalization has been regressed with entrepreneurship. Desire Satisfaction theory has been used to explain the relationship of happiness, globalization and entrepreneurship. To verify stated assumptions, data from 125 countries from the world were tested. Data of Globalization Index (GI), Happiness Index (HI) and Global Entrepreneurship Index (GEI) were extracted from KOF Globalization Index 2017, World Happiness Report 2017 and Global Entrepreneurship index 2017 respectively. It was observed that countries with higher score in happiness and globalization also had higher score in GEI. The relationship is found to be highly significant and positive. It is suggested that countries who wish to promote entrepreneurial ventures should not focus only on conventional measures of growth like GDP but also focus for expansion through globalization and invest for the satisfaction and happiness of its people.El estudio se basa en la conjetura de que la felicidad aumentada mejora el crecimiento del esp铆ritu empresarial y que las naciones felices tienden a producir un mayor n煤mero de empresarios. Adem谩s de la felicidad, este estudio tambi茅n mide el efecto de la globalizaci贸n en el emprendimiento. Para este mismo prop贸sito, la felicidad y la globalizaci贸n han retrocedido con el esp铆ritu empresarial. La teor铆a de la satisfacci贸n del deseo se ha utilizado para explicar la relaci贸n de felicidad, globalizaci贸n y emprendimiento. Para verificar los supuestos establecidos, se probaron datos de 125 pa铆ses del mundo. Los datos del 脥ndice de globalizaci贸n (IG), el 脥ndice de felicidad (HI) y el 脥ndice de emprendimiento global (GEI) se extrajeron del 脥ndice de globalizaci贸n KOF 2017, el Informe de felicidad mundial 2017 y el 脥ndice de emprendimiento global 2017, respectivamente. Se observ贸 que los pa铆ses con puntaje m谩s alto en felicidad y globalizaci贸n tambi茅n ten铆an puntaje m谩s alto en GEI. Se encuentra que la relaci贸n es altamente significativa y positiva. Se sugiere que los pa铆ses que deseen promover emprendimientos empresariales no se centren solo en medidas convencionales de crecimiento como el PIB, sino que tambi茅n se enfoquen en la expansi贸n a trav茅s de la globalizaci贸n e inviertan para la satisfacci贸n y la felicidad de su gente

    Wind Farms and Flexible Loads Contribution in Automatic Generation Control: An Extensive Review and Simulation

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    With the increasing integration of wind energy sources into conventional power systems, the demand for reserve power has risen due to associated forecasting errors. Consequently, developing innovative operating strategies for automatic generation control (AGC) has become crucial. These strategies ensure a real-time balance between load and generation while minimizing the reliance on operating reserves from conventional power plant units. Wind farms exhibit a strong interest in participating in AGC operations, especially when AGC is organized into different regulation areas encompassing various generation units. Further, the integration of flexible loads, such as electric vehicles and thermostatically controlled loads, is considered indispensable in modern power systems, which can have the capability to offer ancillary services to the grid through the AGC systems. This study initially presents the fundamental concepts of wind power plants and flexible load units, highlighting their significant contribution to load frequency control (LFC) as an important aspect of AGC. Subsequently, a real-time dynamic dispatch strategy for the AGC model is proposed, integrating reserve power from wind farms and flexible load units. For simulations, a future Pakistan power system model is developed using Dig SILENT Power Factory software (2020 SP3), and the obtained results are presented. The results demonstrate that wind farms and flexible loads can effectively contribute to power-balancing operations. However, given its cost-effectiveness, wind power should be operated at maximum capacity and only be utilized when there is a need to reduce power generation. Additionally, integrating reserves from these sources ensures power system security, reduces dependence on conventional sources, and enhances economic efficiency

    Limitations of rupture forecasting exposed by instantaneously triggered earthquake doublet

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    Earthquake hazard assessments and rupture forecasts are based on the potential length of seismic rupture and whether or not slip is arrested at fault segment boundaries. Such forecasts do not generally consider that one earthquake can trigger a second large event, near-instantaneously, at distances greater than a few kilometers. Here we present a geodetic and seismological analysis of a magnitude 7.1 intra-continental earthquake that occurred in Pakistan in 1997. We find that the earthquake, rather than a single event as hitherto assumed, was in fact an earthquake doublet: initial rupture on a shallow, blind 2 reverse fault was followed just 19 seconds later by a second rupture on a separate reverse fault 50 km away. Slip on the second fault increased the total seismic moment by half, and doubled both the combined event duration and the area of maximum ground shaking. We infer that static Coulomb stresses at the initiation location of the second earthquake were probably reduced as a result of the first. Instead, we suggest that a dynamic triggering mechanism is likely, although the responsible seismic wave phase is unclear. Our results expose a flaw in earthquake rupture forecasts that disregard cascading, multiple-fault ruptures of this type

    Predicting Corporate Bankruptcy: Whither Do We Stand?

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    Following triggered corporate bankruptcies, an increasing number of prediction models have emerged since 1960s. This study provides a critical analysis of methodologies and empirical findings of applications of these models across 10 different countries. The study鈥檚 empirical exercise finds that predictive accuracies of different corporate bankruptcy prediction models are, generally, comparable. Artificially Intelligent Expert System (AIES) models perform marginally better than statistical and theoretical models. Overall, use of Multiple Discriminant Analysis (MDA) dominates the research followed by logit models. Study deduces useful observations and recommendations for future research in this field

    Effects of Wet Separated and High Speed Milling Fly Ash Added in High Volume to Cementitious Materials

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    In this research high speed milling was carried out on particles of brown coal raw fly ash, on second layer, and on third layer particles obtained from wet separation of brown coal raw fly ash. Due to milling process, median particle size d(50) of raw fly ash, second layer, and third layer reduced by 46 %, 23 %, and 77 %, densities reduced by 11 %, 17 %, and 8 % respectively. Due to milling process, formation of agglomerations was observed, the standard deviation of the chemical composition of each element from the mean value reduced. After milling, high volume cementitious paste mixes were prepared with 60 % cement replacement. Due to the milling process the increase in compressive strength at 28 and 90 days was observed for raw fly ash is 59 % and 16 %, for second layer is 12 % and 15 %, for third layer and milled third layer is 78 % and 75 %. Flexural strength testing showed that due to the milling process the deflections at maximum loads have reduced considerably leading to brittle behavior of milled cementitious specimens. The testing for Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry showed that the cementitious specimens of third layer have maximum concentration of large capillary pores between 0.05 and 10 mu m, whereas, all others have maximum concentration of medium capillary pores between 0.01 and 0.05 mu m. Autogenous shrinkage of cementitious specimens was measured for first sixteen hours after mixing which showed that the second layer particles have the least shrinkage as compared to all other specimens

    Happiness and Globalization: a Study in Global Perspective About Entrepreneurship

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    The study is based on the conjecture that augmented happiness enhances the growth of entrepreneurship and happy nations have tendency to produce greater number of entrepreneurs. Apart from Happiness, this study also measures the effect of globalization on entrepreneurship. For this very purpose, happiness and globalization has been regressed with entrepreneurship. Desire Satisfaction theory has been used to explain the relationship of happiness, globalization and entrepreneurship. To verify stated assumptions, data from 125 countries from the world were tested. Data of Globalization Index (GI), Happiness Index (HI) and Global Entrepreneurship Index (GEI) were extracted from KOF Globalization Index 2017, World Happiness Report 2017 and Global Entrepreneurship index 2017 respectively. It was observed that countries with higher score in happiness and globalization also had higher score in GEI. The relationship is found to be highly significant and positive. It is suggested that countries who wish to promote entrepreneurial ventures should not focus only on conventional measures of growth like GDP but also focus for expansion through globalization and invest for the satisfaction and happiness of its people

    驴Can Rule of Law Be an Efficient Policy-planning Tool for Sustainable Development in Asia?

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    Sustainable Development is currently overriding problem in UN Millennium agenda of 21st century. Recently, is considered purely a matter of rule of law. Rule of law are now considered as bedrock for Sustainable Development in Asia. Keeping in view, this study evaluates the importance of Rule of law for Sustainable Development policy planning in after taking into consideration of 12 Asian countries over the period of 1984 up to 2012. The analysis depicts that rule of law is primarily important for Sustainable Development policy planning in Asia. For empirical analysis, we estimated the results through dynamic panel data model approach